Great grandfather Herman Oscar Bauer (1856-1912) came to the U.S. from Germany at the age of sixteen, clean shaven but giving his occupation as "barber." A dapper young gentleman.

He grew a modest mustache ...

...Which soon grew very large.

All the presidents from Ulysses Grant, president when Herman arrived in America in 1872, to Grover Cleveland who was president until 1897, sported moustaches. J.P. Morgan, business mogul of the time, wore a similarly long moustache. So did Buffalo Bill Cody and Wyatt Earp, as well as Victor, Prince Napoleon, the “Bonapartist pretender” to the French throne, [i] and Archduke Ferdinand of Austria.[ii][iii]
Herman kept his mustache during his years as Captain of Company G, Raritan Guards.

He continued as a barber for about seventeen years before he became a hotel and saloon keeper.

He kept his mustache until he died.

This post was written in response to this week's theme, "Bearded," in Amy Johnson Crow's 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks project.
i. “Victor, Prince Napoleon,” Wikipedia ( accessed 5 February 2018).
ii. “Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria,” Wikipedia ( accessed 5 February 2018).
iii. “Handlebar moustache,” Wikipedia ( accessed 5 February 2018).