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A Life in Art: Eva Auld and Ernest Watson
The lives of twentieth century artists Ernest William Watson and Eva Auld Watson. Describes the artists' childhoods, education, married life, and careers.
Watson, Ann D. A Life in Art: Eva Auld and Ernest Watson. New Haven, Vermont: Family Pictures Genealogy, 2023.
Duty, Family, Perseverance: The Story of William Watson

The inspiring story of English immigrant William Watson, who endured debilitating illness, family crisis, and a lifetime of dirty, exhausting mill work, while struggling to care for his family and realize the promise of America. William Watson represents many nineteenth century immigrants who with faith, guts, and hard work survived hardship, served their country, and helped to build the nation. This biography illuminates life in the nineteenth century New England mill town of Conway, Mass. and is an example of how history is often made up of the courage and determination of ordinary people. Includes a genealogical summary of William Watson, Maria Silcox, and their descendants, as well as color photographs, document images, and an index. Other Conway residents are mentioned.
Available at Lulu.com
Bonus with your order: Free full color copy of a hand-drawn map of William Watson's Conway, created by the author. After purchasing, email me a picture of your receipt at ann@familypicturesgenealogy.com. I'll mail you the map.
Watson, Ann D. Duty, Family, Perseverance: The Story of William Watson. New Haven, Vermont: Family Pictures Genealogy, 2019.